Friday, June 4, 2010

Latest Lens

Prices list:-
XCH624, XCH625, XCM214, XCM215, CC304
(price refer above as 3 tone lens)

HC104, HC105, BS202
(price refer above as 2 tone lens)
(Updated on: 13/05/2010)

Nowadays hot issue is regarding Geo fake lens where they made such images as below
Geo Medical does not produce 17.00mm
The biggest diameter Geo Medical produced up to 14.8mm only. Take note!!
And also, Geo Medical does not produce XCM 83x series
Instead, Geo Medical produced XCH62x and XCM21x

Please be careful of FAKE LENSES!!

Anti Fake Code

Please Notice.
Our GEO lens will come with ANTI FAKE CODE,
start from Batch #1.

You can check your lens at !

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